My Tech Sob Story
It is perhaps curious that I'm starting my first blog with a sob story but this is actually the most honest 4-word description of my current predicament, a tech sob story. So if you are reading this, Welcome. I can't promise better content in the future but I can certainly give you the current gist of a developer's journey. Do leave a comment. Perhaps tell me your own sob story, if you have/had one in your tech journey. Oh and yes! Pointers are most welcome.
My Tech Sob story, I do believe everyone has a sob story in this journey we all are making towards an amazing coding career. Everyone has moments where they wish they knew the exact action to take or where they wish they had done something differently or simply moments where it seems that the undone/un-learnt is greater than the learnt, moments we consider the colossal task before us and wonder how or when progress will become preeminent. Everyone has.... a sob story and here is mine.
April 2019, I knew I was absolutely ready to shake off the strain and earth-dusts of my engineering degree and take on the glory (maybe some strain) and stardust of software development. Like most people when there's a pressing question to be answered, I went to google and typed in the words: "how to become a software developer". Okay maybe not those exact words but very similar. So running through the past couple of months; I completed the first two modules at freecodecamp; completed three modules of CS50; cloned, built and ditched three websites (in that order), started a new skill track on IBM developer; and finally here I am, (obviously drowning) and about to talk about Cyber Security.
Cyber Security cause I came across it and thought that "Oh what if this is a better fit for me?" After going through three modules of Security Fundamentals, here I am, again! in dire need of a clear-cut pathway and asking you, dear dear patient-to-the-end of my sob story (or perhaps skipped to the end) Reader this question: How did you find your pathway to and through your software development track? Hmm we should ignore the cyber security fancy for now.